Recently, I wanted to explore using Twitter for an upcoming project. I have gone through several sites and explored numerous repository to understand how to use Twitter API.
Firstly, you would need to signup a Twitter developer account. Head to and sign in (if you have a Twitter account) or sign up (if you do not have a Twitter account).
Second, proceed to developer portal and create a project. You should see your project as Essential access.
Thirdly, proceed to apply for Elevated access for your project. Elevated access is free.
With your API key, API key secret and bearer token, you may start to explore the plethora of API that twitter offers. Remember to store your keys in a safe place and not reveal them to anyone.
You may regenerate your keys for each project if you misplace them. (Project & Apps >> Overview >> Key icon)
Some of us might be confused how to start working with Twitter’s API. Here are some useful tools that you can use.
Twitter API v2 calls
This tools provides a GUI for you to select and build query parameters required for all Twitter APIs. In case you are wondering what are the query parameters, Twitter API v2 calls will offer you great help.
Query Builder
Query builder is an interesting tool that helps you build query parameters for search endpoints. As we know there are billions (maybe more or less…) of tweets out there. Refining search parameters comes in handy if you want to search for the right tweet. Hence, Query Builder is here to save your day.
Twitter API Playground
This playground is much like Postman without you having to configure anything for yourself. You will need to authenticate with your developer account and you are ready to test all the wonderful APIs that Twitter offer. You could use Query Builder and test them in Twitter API Playground.
Hopefully this article helps you jumpstart your learning journey with Twitter’s API.